Putting Nicholas Cage's face on pictures of cats is such a random, creepy, and hilarious idea that it's fired up an entire Tumblr blog. Reminds you a little of the movie Face Off, doesn't it? No? Link -via Everlasting Blort
Putting Nicholas Cage's face on pictures of cats is such a random, creepy, and hilarious idea that it's fired up an entire Tumblr blog. Reminds you a little of the movie Face Off, doesn't it? No? Link -via Everlasting Blort
This name, or more accurately the _title_ of the being in this photo is 'Speaker to Animals'*, who is an expert translator of human dialects into his native tongue and an expert in human relations.
*'Speaker to Animals' is a job title - there is one on every mothership, and there are many, many, motherships.
In Niven's Ringworld series, Earth Tribe is related to the Kzin on a genetic basis due to Earth, Kzin and other planets being nutritional yeast farms for an ancient and now more or less billion-year-extinct galactic empire... humankind,kzin et al are descended from the yeast...
It's a great series, here's the WikiP:
My original, accidentally evaporated comment referenced David Brin's Uplift Series, in which galactic civilization has maintained order for aeons by uplifting pre-sentient beings to sentience.
The definition of a sentient species by Brin's galactic civilization is one that has uplifted another to sentience.
By dumb luck, 22nd century humans have uplifted several species at the point of First Contact and were reluctantly deemed sentient by Galactic Civilization.
The series notes that 21st century humans would be deemed non-sentient, punished for environmental damage to the planet, then adopted out to some worthy galactic species. Here is a WikiP link to Brin's Uplift series..well worth a look:
But my computer ate the comment and restarted, so I made the Kzin comment.