Guess the Special Purpose of This Gun

This rare handgun was made to function in an unusual environment. Can you guess what that is? Hit the jump for the answer.

Underwater. According to my sources, the Soviet 4.5mm B-VI-307 was developed in the 1960s specifically for submerged use. The gun never made it into production. The one pictured above is at the Central Armed Forces Museum of Moscow.

Did you guess correctly?

Link -via Ace of Spades HQ | Image: Dmitry Dreamer

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Too easy! Clue number one "special environment". Clue number two was what appears to be a sheath for a diving knife in the background of the photo.

It's a gorgeous firearm, though!
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And clue #4 is the large casing length for a 4.5mm projectile, indicating that an increased amount of propellant is required, which would be the case for a bullet fired in a much denser medium, like water.
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