National Geographic's "Digital Nomad" Andrew Evans investigated Swiss chocolate by visiting a factory in Broc, Switzerland, in which tourists can take part in an all-you-can-eat sampling. There are guides to help participants rein in their tendency to overdo it, because the enjoyment comes from the quality, not the quantity. Swiss chocolate expert Michel Baud tells us step-by-step how to get the most out of chocolate.
* Begin by snapping the chocolate in half. Inhale and ponder the aromas you can sense: cocoa, vanilla, smoke, malt, etc.
* Let the first bite be small to “warm up” the tongue, which can only taste sweet, sour, salty, bitter. Some chocolates can hit all four tastes.
* The second bite is the one that counts. Suck on the chocolate and feel how it melts, sense the texture (grainy or smooth?). Is it sweet or dry?
There's more to the process, which you can read at NatGeo's Intelligent Travel blog. Link -Thanks, Marilyn!
(Image credit: Andrew Evans, National Geographic Traveler)
The region is also typical of postcard Switzerland, just go!