An adulterer won't be able to just slip off his/her wedding ring before heading out on the prowl. The Cheeky's titanium wedding ring leaves the words "I'm Married" imprinted on the wearer's finger.
Plus, let's face it, if you wear a wedding ring all the time like you're supposed to then there is going to be a tan line or the skin will look different (indented, shiny whatever) That would be just as visible. By feeling, if you really have to worry.... you shouldn't be married to the person!
hmmm....why so defensive? i never disagreed. a symbol is a symbol. did you check out the item in the neatorama shop...the chillax.... tim i agree with your comment totally. regardes!
@myrasam79. John may have written the article, but he didn't create the rings. It's not meant to be practical. A ring is a symbol. This one just goes a little further in its symbolism. It's a conceit, a joke. Obviously, it's not meant to be taken seriously.
What message are people handing to their spouses on their wedding days when they have cake toppers with the bride dragging the groom to the altar? Surely, they would know that you can't force someone to marry you just by dragging them to an altar. Oh - it's a joke. I get it.
I once worked with a man who preferred the companionship of married women because they didn't want any romantic attachments and were motivated to be discreet.
Were the ring tight enough to leave this imprint it would be too tight to get over your knuckle. So it would never work in the first place.
In the second place if a ring is tight enough to leave an imprint in the flesh then anybody seeing your ring finger would know you had removed your wedding ring. So the lettering is pointless.
And in the third place, what message are you giving to your spouse if you hand this to them on your wedding day? It says "I don't trust you" in big flashing neon letters.
"An adulterer won’t be able to just slip off his/her wedding ring before heading out on the prowl." this is what is written. its for possible cheaters.......enough said
the ring is already the symbol so whats the point? people cheat with or without rings on. this would be a waste of money....brad u r so right on your comment.
Ah, the foibles of youth! Married people cheat with other married people. Not only do they both have the same amount to lose, they run in the same social circles so it is easier to meet without suspicion.
A ring is a ring not a chastity belt. The people who would actually use this are cut from the same cloth as people who snoop. If you have to snoop (ie: going through ones phone, email, even following them), its just not going to work. Making an imprint on your 'loved one', is not going to change them either. Period. Sorry but thats how i feel.
what a dumb idea. the imprint will be gone within 10-15 mins, and even if it were more permanent, one wouldn't be able to see it in a darkened bar or a night club with strobes. one wouldn't even notice it in a park at a noon picnic unless one were actively looking for it. also, if you feel this will keep a cheating spouse in line, you have bigger issues than spending money on useless items.
I mean, come on.
Plus, let's face it, if you wear a wedding ring all the time like you're supposed to then there is going to be a tan line or the skin will look different (indented, shiny whatever) That would be just as visible.
By feeling, if you really have to worry.... you shouldn't be married to the person!
What message are people handing to their spouses on their wedding days when they have cake toppers with the bride dragging the groom to the altar? Surely, they would know that you can't force someone to marry you just by dragging them to an altar. Oh - it's a joke. I get it.
I once worked with a man who preferred the companionship of married women because they didn't want any romantic attachments and were motivated to be discreet.
In the second place if a ring is tight enough to leave an imprint in the flesh then anybody seeing your ring finger would know you had removed your wedding ring. So the lettering is pointless.
And in the third place, what message are you giving to your spouse if you hand this to them on your wedding day? It says "I don't trust you" in big flashing neon letters.
Sure it's silly and ineffective, but it's no more a waste of money than any other ring would be.
A ring is a ring not a chastity belt. The people who would actually use this are cut from the same cloth as people who snoop. If you have to snoop (ie: going through ones phone, email, even following them), its just not going to work. Making an imprint on your 'loved one', is not going to change them either. Period. Sorry but thats how i feel.