Archive for June 25th, 2012

Window Pain

(YouTube link) Simon's Cat's latest adventure involves making sure the window is there, even when you can't see it. Another cute animation by Simon Tofield. -via The Daily What Previous: More Simon...

Sylvester Birdhouse

  Sylvester Birdhouse | $27.95 Watch out, Tweety! Actually, there's no danger in this Sylvester Birdhouse, just a cute 10" resin birdhouse featuring Sylvester sitting on top of a rocket ship. The birds will fi...

Cork Pants

Photo: Blog Your Wine - via Weird Universe Eye see that you're looking at this quirky (corky?) Cork Pants, butt you can't have it.   pants, eye...

An Open Book for Your Books

  Ah, the perfect bookshelf for bibliophiles. Take a look at 418 Pagina by J.L. Berthet and Denis Vasset, which looks exactly like an open book: Link - via The Blog on the Bookshelf home decor, bookcase...

Pizza Slices Encased in Lucite

New York City-based artist Steph Mantis sells pizza slices in blocks of lucite. She calls them "Ninja Throwing Slices," but I think this project as the ultimate achievement in food preservation. Is that pizza that ha...

The Colors of Vogue

British artist Arthur Buxton boiled down the most prominent colors on the covers of Vogue magazine in the past 130 years from United States, United Kingdom, France, and Ita...

Anti-Cheating Wedding Ring

An adulterer won't be able to just slip off his/her wedding ring before heading out on the prowl. The Cheeky's titanium wedding ring leaves the words "I'm Married" imprinted on the wearer's finger. Link -via Nag...

Shirt? Sculpture? It's Both!

Mashallah Design and Linda Kostowski collaborated to create this magnificent 3D sculpture of a wolf T-shirt you can wear: Link | More cutting-edge T-shirt over at the T-Shirt...

How to Weaponize Your Trash

One man's trash is another man's deadly weapon! Take a look at what Joerg Sprave (previously on Neatorama) of The Slingshot Channel can make out of your trash (don't...

Century-old Lens Still Making Pictures

What's so special about the photo above? Photographer Timur Civan snapped that photo using a modern digital camera with a vintage 104-year-old Wollensak lens. Back in 2010, Ti...

The Tyrant of Clipperton Island

Clipperton Island is an abandoned atoll in the Pacific Ocean, 1,000 kilometers from the coast of Mexico. Its history is one of being passed from nation to nation as its value was explored and judged inadequate. Around 19...

At Home with Moles

At the age of 16, Peter Stafford won his first award for taking a photograph of a nest of moles in the wild. Fast forward...

John Wayne Flask

John Wayne Flask | $19.95 Hey there, Pilgrim! Keep your favorite beverage handy with the ultra-manly John Wayne Flask from the NeatoShop! It hold six ounces, is dishwasher-safe, and most importantly, pays tribute to "...

Inside Formula One

What's inside the most technologically advanced race car in the world? The Sauber F1 Team cut a race car in half to show us the technology packed inside a Formula One car .....

The Good News About Growing Old

You know what they say -don't complain about getting old because it beats NOT getting old! But there are some advantages. While some mental capabilities diminish, others get better. And the wisdom of age comes in handy i...

Tasty Fashion

Hungry for the best fashion accessories? Italian photographer Fulvio Bonavia created this art series "A Matter of Taste," which turns food into haute couture. Take a look ov...

Dachshund Encounters Crab

(YouTube link) Madeline the puppy sees a ghost crab and isn't sure what it is. The crab is sure he wants to escape to the safety of the ocean. -via Arbroathdog, crab, puppt...

Name the Songs on Born to Run and Nevermind

Today's Lunchtime Quiz at mental_floss is actually two quizzes, so you can take your pick or try both. Can you name all the songs on Bruce Springsteen's huge 1975 album Born to Run? Maybe you'd pref...

Another Mouth to Feed

Be polite. Just look her in the eyes and pretend that you don't see it. It's rude to point out physical deformities. In this case, it's just paint. A Japanese student who goes by the handle Chooo-san has a knack f...

Warzone Carpet

Chebad Abdallah of Cheesecake Powerhouse created a carpet that features a rather unique set of images. Behold, the Warzone Carpet: Link - via Who Killed Bambi  ...

Things to Release at a Wedding Ceremony

If you're going to release a Kraken at your wedding, please send me an invitation! Found at Coolness Graphed. Link -via TYWKIWDBI Wedding, comic, graph...

Full Size RC Toy Car

This jeep and its controller are scaled to match the iconic 1979 Wild Willys RC car. It was built at The Bug Box, a mechanical shop and studio in Weiden, Germany. The jeep even has the old school ribbed RC car tires....

Little Boy Is Not an Android Fan

This Apple fanboy was was spotted in Hangzhou, China. I wonder what the bangs are supposed to represent. Link -via Kotaku | Photo: China Free Presshaircut, Apple Computers...

Garbage Disposal in a Volcano

[YouTube Clip by Richard Roscoe of Photovolcanica] Campers in Ethopia threw a bag of garbage into a volcanic crater to see what would happen. The bag broke through the thin crust covering a pool of magma and allowed t...

Roman Artifacts Found in Fifth Century A.D. Japanese Tomb

Even with the limited transportation technologies of the time, the passage of trade over the world carried glass beads from the Roman Empire to the Fifth Century A.D. Utsukushi burial mound in Nagaoka, Japan: It f...

Commander Spock and Lt. Uhura Potatoheads

Mr. Potato Head - Commander Spock and Lt. Uhura | $34.95 Spock and Uhura now come in Mr. Potatohead form! Get these 5" tall figures while they're hot. Spock has his hand raised in the Vulcan greeting, and Uhura has he...

301 Views on YouTube

(YouTube link) Have you ever noticed a YouTube video that has a hundred comments and thousands of likes, but only 301 views? Brady Haran of Numberphile explains why that happens. -via Geekosystemyoutube, statistics, a...

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Station Wagon

For a bulk order of frozen pizza, our heroes headed to a Sam's Club in Nashville. That's where redditor kvnmahan spotted their tricked out station wagon. Supposedly the QR code on the window leads to the website of a...

The Legend of King Arthur

The following is an article from the book Uncle John's Supremely Satisfying Bathroom Reader. What do you think -was King Arthur a real person, or is he purely the stuff of legend? Either way, he makes for a good s...

Now This Is My Kind Of Hybrid Car

This is the Truckcar, the first hybrid vehicle that gets worse gas mileage than either of the original cars it's made out of. This beastly crossbreed is actually posted for sale on Craigslist in Knoxville, Tenness...


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