Wim Delvoye's "Suppository"

Wim Delvoye, whom we've featured on Neatorama as the world's most badass artist, has a new show at the Louvre.

The 40-foot tall sculpture above features laser-cut steel with cathedral motif, but in a typical Wim style, he likened it to a "suppository":

“Such a beautiful suppository is just another way of surprising people,” Delvoye told AFP. “The pyramid is like a butt.”

The artist explained that he hesitated between calling the sculpture “Suppo” and “Doner Kebab,” in homage to the Middle-Eastern sandwich whose shape it evokes. He said: “The Louvre preferred something scatalogical that does not make reference to any cultural differences and couldn’t be deemed discriminatory.”

Other works in the exhibition are no more likely to please France’s cultural conservatives: the Napoleon III apartments include a trio of fiberglass pigs adorned in ornate rugs, and nearby a sculpture shows a deer and a doe engaged in an unnatural sex act.

Delvoye, for his part, couldn’t be happier to be showing at the Louvre. “It’s a very strong brand,” he said, “like Led Zeppelin or Microsoft.”

From Art Info: Link  - via Lustik

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