Bowfisherman Hauls in Record-Breaking 9-Foot Alligator Gar

Brent Crawford normally hunts grass carp on Lake Corpus Christi, Texas. But he and his equipment were abruptly put to the ultimate test when he spotted a massive alligator gar in a canal near his home. He waited for his chance and shot a line into it with his fishing bow.

This gar weighed well over 300 pounds and was 8 feet 9 inches long. It was, as such, much heavier than Crawford and began dragging him into the water. In Crawford's version of the story, even his dog got involved:

Bleux somehow knew what to do. Crawford's loyal fishing partner clamped down on the cuff of his jeans and planted his paws in a vain attempt to keep his master from being dragged farther into the canal, cellphone, boots and all.

You can read the rest of his well-told fishing story at the link.

Link -via Glenn Reynolds | Photo: Brent Crawford

CORRECTION 6/24/12: I got the weight and length of the gar completely wrong, greatly understating its size. That's fixed now.

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