Three Teens and a Deputy Injured in Drunk-driving Simulation

Drinking and driving don't mix. You know what else doesn't mix? Teenage drivers and drunk-simulating goggles. A group of Explorer's Club members in Elkhart, Indiana were taking turns driving around a parking lot in a golf cart wearing the goggles, which distort the wearer's vision.
Around 7 p.m. investigators believe the 14-year-old driver took a turn too hard and then over-corrected, causing the cart to tip. A gust of wind then blew the cart on its side.

A 15-year-old passenger in the rear of the cart was airlifted to Memorial Hospital with numbness to his arms. Alex Whitehead, 18, was hospitalized with shoulder, arm and neck pain. The 14-year-old driver was hospitalized with head pain. Ptl. Bob Smith was later driven to Elkhart General with foot pain and minor cuts.

All were treated and released Monday evening.

The golf cart sustained some damage, and was taken out of service. Link -via Boing Boing

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This reminds me of the puzzle game we had in elementary school where you had to move the colored cars in the right order to get the main one out off the lot.
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