Admit it, if you're a scientifically-minded person, sometimes things the government does just drive you absolutely nuts. That's why this list of 10 science policies the government should start enforcing is so great. Here's one I think we can all agree on:
8. Every Study That Uses Public Funds is Published Publicly
This is as much to help scientists as to help everyone else. A lot of public money is spent on a lot of scientific studies. Those studies, if they are judged (often by people who volunteer their time) to be worthy of publication, are published in journals far less widely read than the people who do the work, or the people who need the work, would like. Scientific journal subscriptions can be massively expensive, and a barrier to people having the scientific information they, kind of, paid for.
Are there any they left off of the list that you think should be added?
Link Image Via College Map Papers [Wikipedia]
If students were trained earlier to get comfy with reading huge small-print texts with no pictures, no easy to read list of bullet points and lots of footnotes, we'd be a much smarter country. That's what serious research data looks like. It doesn't look like Wikipedia or's Top 10 list.
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Um, #8 is partly true already. The National Library of Medicine already published (in any medical studies/papers that use public funds and/or are funded by the government.
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Whoopsie. Fixed Astier!
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