Yarn Bombing is the softest and cuddliest form of street art, and Yarn Bombers are busy making the world a brighter and cozier place.
In this video, episode 12 of the horribly titled series American Hipster Presents, we get to hear from Philadelphia yarnaholic Ishknits, and find out why Yarn Bombing is the only street art unanimously approved by grandmothers across the globe!
(Barely NSFW due to language - I almost didn't mention it because it's only one word in a seven minute long video)
--via Laughing Squid
By that same logic Banksy sucks because he copied Blek Le Rat, or anyone who picked up a spray can after TAKI 183 isn't worth knowing about. So did fine art end with Leonardo Da Vinci? Artforms evolve, and new artists help them evolve, or else they become stagnant and useless.
As for the Knitta controversy, it's not like they decided to ignore Knitta's contribution to the artform. They just chose someone as the focus of their documentary, and there is never any mention of this girl having anything to do with the roots of Yarn Bombing. Are you also claiming that Knitta invented the idea of Yarn Bombing? Didn't think so...
Lastly, if you think street art is all about the fame and glory then you clearly know nothing about street art.