No matter where we go, we should always have tampons with us. Yes, fellas, even we men should do so. It may keep us alive. Creek Stewart, an expert on wilderness survival, has thought of ten practical uses for tampons in the wild. They can be used to make animal snares, blow darts, fire tinder, water filters, fishing bobs and more. So put a tampon in your pocket and make it a part of your everyday carry.
Comments (1)
Tampons are designed to be absorbent enough but not too absorbent, easy to put in and easy to get out, slick enough to not hurt but sturdy enough to not slip out, and the plastic applicator.. well, that's for women who are afraid to poke a finger up there.
None of it is meant for survival gear, and you know it. Buy the tools you really need, and how about getting over this 'eww girls haha' thing.