Archive for June 5th, 2012

Comedy Short - Reset Your Password

(YouTube Link) It seems like websites get some kind of sick pleasure from making us change our passwords on a regular basis, and the qualifications for an effective password are becoming more ridiculous every day....

The (Mass) Transit of Venus Is Less Impressive Than I Thought It Would Be

So it's the last transit of Venus across the sun in our lifetimes. I dunno. Kinda of...boring, actually. There are cat videos on YouTube. I think that I'll go back to them. Link -via Gizmodo | Photo: Mario

Transit of Venus

The Interweb is abuzz over the 2012 transit of Venus, and there are tons of gorgeous images coming out, but my favorites are these two below from NASA. Image: NASA/SDO...

Joss Whedon, Stan Lee And Other Geek Overlords As HeroClix Figures

If you're a fan of the tabletop battle game HeroClix then you're going to love these geek overlord edition figures coming out exclusively with a special edition of the Comic Con documentary- Comic Con Episode IV:...

Ewok Dress

Some irresponsible hunters eat just the best parts of the Ewok--rump roast, drumsticks, flank steak--and throw the rest of the carcass away. But not Etsy seller Crissy Baker, who made full use of several Ewok hides t...

Short Film - The Ventriloquist

(YouTube Link) Being a ventriloquist is a tough gig because people assume you have a few screws loose, and the dummy gets most of the acclaim. For some, ventriloquism allows them to say whatever's on their mind, fo...

Runner Helps Falling Competitor across the Finish Line

(Video Link) Arden McMath started to black out on the track toward the end of the 3,200-meter race. Her competitor, 17-year old Meghan Vogel of West Liberty, Ohio, saw her struggling. Vogel could have passed McNath,...

10 Uses for a Survival Tampon

No matter where we go, we should always have tampons with us. Yes, fellas, even we men should do so. It may keep us alive. Creek Stewart, an expert on wilderness survival, has thought of ten practical uses for tampon...

Floating Houses by Laurent Chehere

Photo: Laurent Chehere It's like the flying house from the movie Up! except the house isn't so cute ... and oh, it's on fire. You're looking at part of a series called...

World Shin-Kicking Championship

The Olympics too high brow for ya? Try the Cotswald "Olimpick" then, which features The World Shin-Kicking Championship: All that is required to enter this event...

How a Mosquito Survives Collision with Raindrops 50 Times Its Weight

[YouTube Link] A raindrop weighs 50 times a mosquito, so how does the lowly insect survive a collision with it? Mechanical engineer David Hu of Georgia Institute of Technology...

Doctor Who Sonic Screwdriver Keychain & Flashlight

Doctor Who Sonic Screwdriver Keychain & Flashlight - $14.95 Father's Day is June 17th. Are you still looking for the perfect gift for your Doctor Who loving Dad? You need the Doctor Who Sonic Screwdriver Keychain &a...

Zero Day Attack

Charlie Miller spent five years at the National Security Agency where he hacked into foreign computer systems, so hacking the Apple iPhone is cakewalk to him: Miller&...

A Future With Superhumans

(YouTube link) Remember the video How to Survive a Robot Uprising? The guys at Epipheo Studios have again talked with author Daniel H. Wilson, PhD, this time to get his take on new high-tech neural implants and how th...

Babe Magnet School

Some men are born babe magnets, others have to go to school to become one. Oddity Central has the story of one unusual school in Israel that teaches men how to woo the ladies of thei...

Eulerian Video Magnification

This one is pretty amazing: a team of MIT researchers have created a technique to amplify small changes in a video clip that enables us to see minute changes that ot...

Hermit Crabs Queue Up To Trade Shells

Biologists studying hermit crabs in a tiny island in the Caribbean Sea discovered something interesting: they're quite civilized! When a lone crab encountered one of the b...

Willow Glass: Bendable Ultra-Thin Glass

Corning, the maker of the super-strong Gorilla Glass, has another invention: a new type of flexible ultra-thin glass that may one day be used in your smartphone. *em...

The Fall of Pinterest

Pinterest may be the Internet's latest darling, but the last safe haven for girls to post wedding gowns and craftsy creations is under attack ... by the rest of the Internet. S...

There's a Bank Robber in One of 19 Cars in the Intersection: What Would You Do?

There's a bank robber in one of 19 cars at an intersection in Aurora, Colorado. Problem was, the police didn't know exactly which car. So they did something a bit unusual:...

200 Years of Election Art

A new book, Presidential Campaign Posters: Two Hundred Years of Election Art has 100 U.S. political posters that are suitable for framing, going back, well, 200 years. See a sampling of 18 of the posters at...

Cat Shenanigans

(YouTube link) The best laid plans of cats and kittens do oft go awry, or in a word, FAIL. Manouche and Cachou are apparently recreating a cartoon sequence as they play hide and seek. -Thanks, Bicycle Bill!ca...

The Brain Phone Booth

I don't know what's more remarkable: that this phone booth is shaped like a brain, or that there is a public phone still existing somewhere. This is an art installation in Sao Paulo, Brazil, where there are at least...

Perry The Platypus Hydro Canteen

Perry The Platypus Hydro Canteen - $13.95 Summer vacation is starting! Do you know what you are going to do today? Well, whatever you do make sure it includes drinking plenty of water. Building a rocket, climbing the...

Mark Malkoff's Netflix Challenge

(YouTube link) Since you pay for Netflix by the month, how low can you bring the price-per-movie down by watching as many as you can? Mark Malkoff tried to find out, by devoting a month to the experiment. I don't see...

Credit Card Survival Tool

This Father's Day, tell your dad that you're proud that he has survived fatherhood with this: the Credit Card Survival Tool from the NeatoShop. The compact tool the size of a cr...

Laziest Walrus Colony Ever!

(YouTube link) This nature clip is less than a minute long, but it pretty near made me fall asleep. These walruses have it made! -Thanks, Marc Ostrick!walrus...

Domain Squatting as an Art Form

The Charlotte Bobcats don't win many basketball games, and they didn't get much attention nationally until they won the first round draft pick in the NBA lottery. Now a lot of people are looking to find out more about th...

The View Over San Francisco

(YouTube link) Where's the best place to mount a camera? On a remote-control airplane, of course! How else are you going to get these gorgeous POV shots? This video is part of a series called "Team BlackSheep USA Road...

The Top Ten Strangest Self-Experiments Ever

The following is a guest post from author Alex Boese. It is adapted from his newest book Electrified Sheep: glass-eating scientists, nuking the moon, and more bizarre experiments, which is being released in the...


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