The Minneapolis Star-Tribune posted the history of the graduation cap and gown, and included a color-coding for the tassels that attach to the traditional mortarboard hat. The American Council on Education has recommended tassel colors for college graduates that indicate what discipline one's degree is in. Here's a sample:
Some colleges follow the recommendations or come up with their own variations on the idea, and others follow completely different schemes. Link -Thanks, Minnesotastan!
(Image credit: Dave Denny/Star Tribune)
Apricot: Nursing
Brown: Fine arts, including architecture
Citron: Social work
Copper: Economics
Crimson: Journalism
Dark blue: Philosophy
Some colleges follow the recommendations or come up with their own variations on the idea, and others follow completely different schemes. Link -Thanks, Minnesotastan!
(Image credit: Dave Denny/Star Tribune)
Newest 5 Comments
Well I know that I will be wearing light blue on my hood and tassel when I walk across the stage on Wednesday to receive my M.Ed. so I guess my school follows the code.
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I'm an accounting major. My tassel's "drab"? That is... hilarious.
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Lemon yellow all the way.
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I always hated that Fine Arts was brown. How uninspired. "drab" for accountants is ironically awesome.
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When I graduated from college, we didn't wear caps and gowns. The girls wore white dress and carried red roses. And the boys wore white dinner jackets with black bow ties and trousers, along with a red rose pinned on their lapel.
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