The Coolest Absence Excuse Note Ever


Fifth gader Tyler Sullivan has probably got the best absence excuse note ever:

It's not every day you get a chance to see President Obama speak — and it's even rarer to watch him get introduced by your dad. That's why fifth grader Tyler Sullivan made the wise choice to skip school and head to the Honeywell factory where his dad, Ryan Sullivan, works.

There, Tyler got to meet Obama, and received what may be the coolest absence note ever.

I love the stationery that simply says "The President" on the bottom! Link - via Fark

Ignatius, the article made no indication that this was about race in any way. You brought up the man's race on your own. It was "cool" because it was the President of the country. It is exciting for people to meet the current and former leaders of our countries. We met a former one having breakfast at a fancy hotel, just like any other traveler there. I didn't agree with his politics, but it was still kind of exciting for us to see him.

What's hypocritical is that you're trying to cover up racist remarks with sanctimony. It probably wouldn't be as fun for anybody to meet a former President whose political record was tarnished, and whom they didn't respect. I have a feeling that none of the gray-haired Bush family really registers as "cool" with 5th graders. I doubt it has anything to do with race.
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Just popping by from England to heap opprobrium on

. If the Queen signed my kids absence note I'd say that was "cool" and I'm not in any way a royalist. If you guys don't lighten up you are going to break something, probably a country.
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44 percent of registered voters say Tyler should be proud, 48 percent say he should be ashamed and 8 percent say the government has no business telling him he has to go to school at all.
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Ignatius...perhaps it is just cool because it is the President of the USA. Not everything has to be about race, religion, or political affiliation.

If I was a kid, that would be a pretty cool thing to bring to school.
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Ignatius, are you an idiot? The most powerful politician in the world signed a fifth graders absence excuse. Thats pretty frickin cool. What does being half black, being a democrat or whatever stupid thought that comes to your mind have to do with anything?
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Coolest ever? Why? Because he's half black or because he's a Democrate or because... why? If it's because he's half black, that's a pretty lame reason. If a person's color is not supposed to matter, then it's not supposed to matter.
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