28 Years of a Truck Driver Tan

This man spent 28 years driving a truck, thus exposing the left side of his face to the elements more often than the right. On Facebook, writer Joe Carter offers this prudent advice:

Protect your skin by doing what I do: Stay inside and let the only light that shines on your face be the glow of your computer screen.

If you have an Internet connection, there's really no need to go outside.

Article Link | Joe Carter's Twitter Feed

Photo: Jennifer R.S. Gordon, M.D., and Joaquin C. Brieva, M.D./New England Journal of Medicine

Wearing plain cotton gloves(the Japanese have them)on long drives in the sun is my defence against the left hand skin cancer threat(though it's actually right hand in my case here in NZ).
I post this in part in hope that if others wear them, I won't get quite so many odd looks.
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As an optician who looks closely at peoples' faces every day, I can safely say that the asymmetry of his eyes are well within normal limits.
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As an optician looking closely at peoples' faces every day, I can safely say that the asymmetry of his eyes are well within normal limits.
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Sun damage and age also destroys the elasticity of your skin. There are structures under your face and around your eye area that will begin to sag when that top layer loses elasticity. Your eyes are not just some melon balls sitting in a socket. There are muscles and fat that keep your eyes cushioned and centered in your socket. When the fat starts to thin, and the muscles start to get pulled on by the sagging skin that it supports, your eyes also begin to drop.

I don't think he has had a stroke.

I drive school bus, and i had noticed at work, that most of the drivers have one arm more tan than the other.
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My late father was a truck driver for most of his life and in his later years was treated for skin cancer. He had a spot on his nose, maybe one on his cheek and there was a very large spot on his left wrist (which was always in the window) that had to be removed. I can still remember helping him to change the bandage on his left wrist and it just was not pretty. His doctor had dug deep to remove the cancer. I just cannot remember if the left side of his face differed much from the right side. He probably drove truck for at least 30-40 years.
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If one wants to have one's leg pulled, one doesn't go to the New England Journal of Medicine (try the British Medical Journal at Christmas). The man does exhibit some facial asymmetry, but it is not suggestive of a stroke.

Nice find, John, and very instructive photo to show to young people.
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Pretty sure exposure to sunlight doesn't make the eye move lower in its socket. That guy has had a stroke in addition to having a driver's tan for three decades.
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