Rockelbel's Canon on Four Cellos

(YouTube link)

The Piano Guys have their own take on "Pachelbel's Canon in D." From the YouTube page:
Ask any cellist. They'll tell you about what's it's like to play the cello part of Pachebel's Canon in D. It's the same 8 notes over and over and over again. The good news is, it's easy to memorize. The bad news is you don't know when to stop. There's a rumor floating around that says Pachelbel either died while writing it, never finishing the cello part, or that he dated a cellist and it did NOT go well. :P This arrangement is dedicated to all the cellists that have fallen asleep while playing this song...or at least wanted to fall asleep. Steven Sharp Nelson actually began writing this arrangment while bored at a wedding. :)

The song is available for download. Link -via The Daily What

See also: Rob Paravonian's Pachelbel Rant

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The Canon is very impressive when heard live, even with original arrangement. The melody travels between instruments with each musician being able to express their interpretation. Sort of like a slow, stately, classical music jam session.
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