10 Amazingly Old Things That Still Work

Alex recently shared the story of a light that was still going after 77 years, but if you think that's impressive, then behold the one above that's been going for 111. For more creations that have lasted amazingly long, check out this interesting Oddee article.


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i dare this country to make something that will last 77 years. its all quantity not quality now. cars are built to be throw aways things are shipped to multiple country's to be made... UN ethical
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Dude, what's with the anger? And the whole US bashing is tiresome after you post it in so many threads.

Maybe you should try and make something that will last 77 years. Furniture can last that long if you take care of it. Make a chair.
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A bulb will last almost forever if it has a good vacuum (or filled with a pure noble gas) and is run at way below its design voltage. The amazing thing is that some idiot hasn't broken it.
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