These character re-designs show what the X-Men might look like if they're drawn in the style of Disney animation.
They're pretty cool despite the lack of edge, and might make for a fun afternoon series for the kiddies to watch, but overall they look a little too cuddly for my taste.
They were re-envisioned by artist Matthew Humphreys, who went for that old school look with the brown and yellow uniform for Wolvie and the classic mohawk look for Storm. *sigh* Those were the good old days!
Link --via Comics Alliance
Jubilee.. dumbest superpower ever.
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Yeah, I know Spiderman's not an X-Man, but I don't know their names otherwise. Ah, I see That Guy had the same idea, but he knows the perv's name.
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Is that Spiderman taking a picture up the skirt of the girl in the row above him? Doesn't seem very Disneyish.
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And as far as Gladiator, I believe the is Kid Gladiator (Glad's son) and he pretty much looks like that already. Check out current issues of Wolverine and the X-Men.
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HAHA! Deadpool getting up up-skirt on Kitty.
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These look fun, and they even have Deadpool and his yellow speech box. I'd totally watch this.
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look at that tricked out Gladiator. Very cool, I wish this was a reality.
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Marvel is already owned by Disney. All that they need is for the rights to the X-Men franchise to revert to them.
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