Man Beat Noisy 10-Year Old Moviegoer

Fed up with a bunch of noisy moviegoers sitting behind him during a showing of Titanic 3D, a Washington man decided to take matters into his own hands: he stepped over the seat and physically confronted his tormentors.

Now, who among us hasn't thought of doing that to inconsiderate jerks sitting behind us?

But problem is for the man above, he struck a 10-year-old kid.

The man, who told police he thought the person he hit was a grown man, was watching “Titanic” in 3-D with his girlfriend and had asked the people sitting behind to quiet down and stop throwing popcorn, but they laughed at him, he said.

“I got so mad that it just happened,” Yong Hyun Kim, 21, told police who arrested him the night of April 11 at the AMC Kent Station 14, in Kent, a south Seattle suburb.

The 10-year-old lost a tooth and had a bloody nose in the confrontation.


Striking a child is a serious matter, but - surprisingly to me - there was actually wide support for the guy in the comment sections of various news outlets.

What do you think? Was this guy a jerk or a hero?

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Sucks for the kid. Maybe next time he'll behave in a theater.
Not saying what the guy did was right. He should've gotten up and complained to management, but yeah.. I have no sympathy for the brat that got popped.
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Honestly, I'm with Lisa on this. You can't expect to mouth off 'cause you're a kid. Maybe he'll think next time before opening his trap.

I personally think the kid is lucky he just lost one tooth.
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Fuck this guy.

It's easy to intimidate kids into shutting up. I've done it. You stand up, you stare them down, you say literally anything, and they usually slouch away and shut up. You don't fucking hit them.

And no, please, dude did NOT think a 10-year-old was a grown man. He attacked a kid on purpose.
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Sadly, there's no shortage of inconsiderate little brats who lack any sense of accountability, and irresponsible parents who allow them to behave this way. If the parents of this particular brat were doing their job, we wouldn't even be having this discussion.

That said, he shouldn't have punched the kid. Dump a cold soda on him? Yeah, I'd be ok with that.
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