Average Portion Sizes Today vs. in the 1950s

This is why we're fat, says the CDC:

"Portion sizes have been growing. So have we. The average restaurant meal today is more than four times larger than in the 1950s. And adults are, on average, 26 pounds heavier. If we want to eat healthy, there are things we can do for ourselves and our community: Order the smaller meals on the menu, split a meal with a friend, or, eat half and take the rest home. We can also ask the managers at our favorite restaurants to offer smaller meals."

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You know, I have a china pattern that has been popular for a long time. When I browse thrift stores and antique shops, one way I can judge the age of a piece is by the size -plates were several inches smaller 50 years ago than they are today.
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But, but the BigMac is shrinking! It was much bigger when I was a kid. And the patties' circumference used to match that of the buns. Now it does not.
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This is pretty implausible. So the average size of a soda in 1950 was about about half a can's worth of coke? And the average size today is 2x the size of McDonald's medium? (Large is 32oz.) I'm guessing the burger is the patty weight, so I can buy a 4oz patty in 1950 - that's the size of a regular McDonald's hamburger today. But 3x that now? That would be a Quarter Pounder + another hamburger.

Of course, they don't bother to explain how they arrive at these numbers. But who cares if CDC is pushing policy instead of science? Woah - they should pull their entire Sexual Health site and replace it with one touting the wonders of abstinence!
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