Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg announced a change in his relationship status yesterday. The 28-year-old billionaire married his girlfriend of nine years, Priscilla Chan yesterday. Chan received her medical degree last Monday, on Zuckerberg's birthday. They invited friends to what they thought was a graduation party Saturday, but instead it turned out to be a surprise wedding! At least it was a surprise for the guests, and was planned that way to ensure privacy for the ceremony, which took place in Zuckerberg's back yard. Link
Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg announced a change in his relationship status yesterday. The 28-year-old billionaire married his girlfriend of nine years, Priscilla Chan yesterday. Chan received her medical degree last Monday, on Zuckerberg's birthday. They invited friends to what they thought was a graduation party Saturday, but instead it turned out to be a surprise wedding! At least it was a surprise for the guests, and was planned that way to ensure privacy for the ceremony, which took place in Zuckerberg's back yard. Link
We've got to come up with a better way to deal with bad comments.
1. About the story, yawn......
2. About the first comment, Moderators - do we really need that kind of junk left up here?
(and yeah, she does look really excited)