Computer engineer Jeri Ellsworth built an electric bass into the body of a Commodore 64. Here she is with it at the ongoing Maker Faire in San Mateo, California. And yes, she's wearing roller skates.
Another Photo | Ellsworth's Twitter Feed | Maker Faire | Photo: Blake Maloof
This looks like it took some time to build, and it's very creative!
Maybe she could gut a cheap keyboard and use the c64 keyboard as a synth as well.
it needs to be clarified what's cool about that???
She has a bass guitar built into a C64 case
'nuff said....C64 was one of my favorite things as a kid.
If I want to sound cool do I tell people I play bass or guitar? Well actually neither, but if I did it would be guitar.
The bass guitar is much closer to a guitar than to a bass. Yes, I play both guitar and bas guitar and no I don't play standup bass. Too different and too difficult.
I didn't know the differences between a bass and a guitar. This man in this video attempts to explain them.