All-You-Have-To-Eat-Or-We-Fine-You Restaurant

In order to combat food wastage, an all-you-can-eat Kylin Buffet in South Shields, UK, is turning into an all-you-have-to-eat restaurant:

A Chinese restaurant offering an all-you-can-eat buffet is charging customers £20 in 'wastage' if they leave food on their plates.

Managers at the Kylin Buffet in Ocean Road, South Shields, have put up a notice urging diners to eat up all their food - or face the penalty charge.

The policy has outraged one mother who was told she had to pay the £20 after her and her son Sam, 10, and niece Toni, six, left two onion rings, a piece of prawn toast, and a spring roll on their plates.

The Daily Mail is there: Link

Previously on Neatorama: All You Can Eat Dispute

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It sounds as if the restaurant was being a bit silly with this particular case, but I don't see a problem with being charged for piling up your plate & not eating all the food. It's not like they can put it back in the buffet after you've left. There's no reason you can't go back for seconds if you finish a plate and are still hungry.
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Isn't this standard procedure for buffet restaurants already? Almost every buffet I've eaten in penalizes customers for leaving food on the plate, sometimes for twice the per-plate price.
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What if one or more of the items on the buffet taste bad? You have to eat it? Most buffets I've been to have at least a couple of items that turn out to be less than desirable.

I have a friend who would always embarrass me when we would go to a buffet. She and her family wasted a LOT of food. I said things in the past, but I eventually gave up. I haven't been to a buffet with her in a long time.
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Danny, I have never been to or heard of a place that does that. I don't understand this at all. What If I get a normal amount of food (which I always do), but one of the items tastes bad. Do I have to either force myself to eat or pay for the restaurants mistakes?
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There is an all-you-can eat sushi place in Vancouver I love going to (Tan Po Po) and there is a warning on the menu that they can charge you for wasted food, but that seems to be only for gross wastage, not for just choosing to no eat something you didn't like.
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