This heavenly rainbow of kernels is from a variety of corn known as Glass Gem Corn, and it looks like it would make the most fun batch of candy corn ever!
This unusual variety is grown by "Seeds Trust, a family seed company, got the seeds for glass gem corn from Greg Schoen who got his seeds from his "corn-teacher", Carl Barnes, an 80ish year old part-Cherokee man, in Oklahoma."
I can't help but wonder if this corn tastes as good as it looks? Either way, it would make the ultimate Thanksgiving dinner table decoration, or string them up at your next farm themed rave and watch everyone in attendance trip out on the colors.
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It's too bad that the seeds are perpetually sold out.
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Hmmm, I'm not convinced. There doesn't seem to be anything on the internet about this corn that's more than a few days old. If this is a real variety of corn surely it hasn't just been discovered in the last week?
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Too bad its fake, but it's lovely photo at any rate.
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not fake,its a type of indian corn
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i dont know how that name glass gem came about but indian corn comes in all colors,even pink and blue. just search on the many different types of indian will find the glass gem or whatever it is. wonderful posting..makes me hungry for indian corn.
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