Blue Busters: 1984 Ghostbusters Spoof

(YouTube link)

Back in 1984, Apple produced this video parody of the movie Ghostbusters to show at their company-wide sales meeting in Hawaii. Back then, their main competitor, IBM, was called "Big Blue," so Apple aspired to be "Blue Busters." Jobs and Wozniak appear briefly. -via The Daily What

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I don't know - I thought it was sort of cute and hearkens back to before they became truly evil.
I learned "Computer Science" in junior high on an Apple 2c and moved to an IBM when I had saved enough money from 4 years of after school jobs, lol. I just thought the IBM product was better and could do more of what I wanted to do with a computer.
I also think it is funny that the video just happens to be 4:20.
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