Teacher Used "Cone of Shame" to Discipline Teens

Pasco County high school teacher Laurie Bailey-Cutkomp has a unique way to discipline her misbehaving ninth graders: with the "cone of shame".

Now, she's in trouble for treating students like dogs:

In the movie, the character Dug (a dog) wears the "cone of shame" as a punishment for being disobedient.

Bailey-Cutkomp, who reportedly worked previously in the veterinary field, brought a cone into her classes after students asked about them.

Bad idea or effective tool to enforce teenage discipline? Link

@Cindy D.

"What passes for journalism these days is beyond disgusting, when you can so easily ruin someone’s life. I think it was Huffington Post who first “broke” the story. Bah, what a waste."

Sad but true.
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Actually, I just did a quick Google search and apparently as of at least 2010, students are still paddled in the county that I last lived in before moving to the west coast. That really surprises me. The rules appear to be the same. When I was a child, you could only be paddled if your parents gave permission (mine did not). That policy seems to still be in effect.
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Poor teacher. :( Harmless fun has turned into possible disciplinary action. Ridiculous.

Also, when I was in elementary school in the mid-late 80's/, teachers still disciplined us by paddling us on our behinds. I never personally experienced it, but many kids in my classes were humiliated by getting spankings from a teacher in the hallway. We would have given anything for a cone of shame. Lol
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Actually,a parent from this school posted on Etsy about this. Completely didn't happen the way it was reported. Sensationalist reporting at its worst. Apparently the teacher used to be a vet (or work for a vet). She mentioned the cone and the students wanted to see it. She brought it in, they fooled around with it, and took pictures. Someone posted the pictures on FB. Now the teacher is being hugely harassed, might lose her job, and according to this parent, the kids feel sick about it.

What passes for journalism these days is beyond disgusting, when you can so easily ruin someone's life. I think it was Huffington Post who first "broke" the story. Bah, what a waste.
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Ahh, nothing better than some egregious humiliation to enforce unquestioning obedience and forster long-lasting resentment at the same time. Who needs respect when you can have fear? I propose tasers and whips to enforce absolute quiet in the classroom for teachers who are too overworked/lazy/stupid/all three to be able to deal with children.

And remember: Never, ever, must self-centered parents work together with teachers to overcome difficulties with students' behaviour! Just beat the discipline into the little brats to make sure they become free-thinking citizens! Like in the Svoiet Union or Viet Nam, where it totally worked, too!
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A rolled up newspaper might work, as well.
In *my* day, we got a leather strap across the palm, or a wooden ruler across the knuckles. We still managed to survive.
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I dont think the teacher should be fired for this. This reminds me of the days when they used to make kids wear the "dunce" caps and make them sit in the corner. Teachers have no tools to keep control of the classroom anymore.
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