Sticky Hand


Remember those sticky hand toys that seemed to multiply when you weren't looking? My kids brought them home from everywhere, and I found them stuck to everything, rolled up in dust bunnies, spread around in the dryer, or tangled in a kid's hair. But now you (or your kids) can play with one online, which won't leave a mess! Link -via mental_floss

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I loved those things as a kid. When I was in college, my roommate's keyboard wrist wrest started to lose its fabric shell so we tore it off -- and the interior of the thing was exactly like those sticky hands. It was over a foot long, several inches wide, and an inch thick, which meant it could snatch papers and CDs and so forth from eight feet away. It stung like hell, too, so don't smack your friends. Well, okay, just not near the face.
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