One Holi Mess: India's Incredible Color-Soaked Festival

The Hindu Holi festival may be a mess, but it makes for some vivid pictures!
The spring festival of Holi, celebrated across many parts of India, but especially in the north, is a time when barriers are torn down and the usual rules, if not entirely broken, are at least well and truly bent. It’s a time when adults can be children again, and children can get away with all kinds of mischief. The air is full of laughter and joyful shouts as brightly colored powders and water fly.

See more photographs, and read about Holi at Environmental Graffiti. Link

(Image credit: Antonio Gibotta)

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Alot of those "colored powders" they are throwing are industrial chemical dyes and are pretty nasty stuff that can cause blindness and contact dermititis.

Look at the wiki page for the "Holi Festival"
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