Most robbers use knives or guns to rob a convenience store, but not this guy. Instead, he used nonchalant badassery:
The masked raider walked into the shop holding a mug of black coffee in his right hand - then told the sales assistant to empty the stock of cigarettes into a binbag. [...]
Shop assistant Mubin Najib said despite the casual nature of the men, he had felt threatened: ''I noticed the guy carrying a cup of coffee but I was more worried about the way he was acting.
''I actually thought he had a knife with him and he making threats saying: 'Don't move or tell anyone otherwise we will come back and kill you'. [...]
''The guy with a coffee actually came round the counter and I was very frightened. He may have been carrying a cup of coffee but I was on my own in that shop and had no idea what he was capable of.
@Booker Addison - Also the way he held one of his hands behind his back.
Shame on Neato.