I Like Big (Robotic) Butts and I Can Not Lie!

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Oh. My. God! Becky, look at this butt. It's so big. It looks like one of those robots created by Nobuhiro Takahashi of the University of Electro-Communications. But, you know, who understands those robotics professors. They only talk to the butt because it responds to human touch, 'kay? I mean, the butt, it's just so big. I can't believe it's so round, it's like, out there, I mean - gross. Look! It's just so ... robotic!

Like Sir Mix-A-Lot said, I like big (robotic) butts and I can not lie! Robot Got Back. (Via Kotaku, who has the story)


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Like the dinosaur fart story, I passed this up because I didn't want to deny Alex the pleasure of posting it.

But if robutt doesn't fart, how can it really be self-expressive?
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Actually a really boring video.

The only decent part was the ad that appeared in the first ten seconds that said "What's the secret to being a great kisser?"
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