Mike Schropp at Total Geekdom took donated computer parts and built a garden! It's actually a working computer with a casemod that grows wheatgrass. The heat from the computer warms the soil and aids germination. The...
Hey, Pinterest fans! This Twaggie would make a fine t-shirt, as any Twaggie can be made into a t-shirt design. It was illustrated from a Tweet from @arnie. Have you caught up on all this week's Twaggies? Linkmars, Tw...
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People on the streets of New York thank their moms for the many things that moms give. Thanksfa commissioned this video by Michael Marantz and Barry Pousman for Mothers Day. -via Laughing Squidmother, mot...
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Reef Coleman, Tony Jien, Mike Jackson, Jason Richardson, and Mike Wofford of Pasadena had some fun with a stack of 400 vinyl records. These guys are pretty good. However, it's like my philosophy on gard...