Woman Fired For "Living in Sin"

Could you lose your job because you're "living in sin" with your boyfriend?

That's what Ashlie Simpson, 31, of Colorado, claimed. She said that her employer Colorado Christian University fired her because of her lifestyle:

"I was shocked to learn that CCU was concerned about my personal life, and even more distressed when they chose to fire me because of it," Simpson told ABC news. "When they refused to discuss it further, I felt I had no choice but to take legal action."

Simpson's attorney, Elwyn Schaefer, said a coffee break may have sparked offensive questions about his client and her lifestyle by university staff.

"We believe she was penalized for her lifestyle, mainly living with her boyfriend," Schaefer said.


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well you can see the problem in the name of our employer. you should know what you're getting into when you deal with christian owners in the workplace
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if they are not married they should not be living together. pre marital sex is a sin to God and even though they may be abstinent (not likely) it is a poor witness for an unmarried woman to be living with an unmarried man that is not a relative, there employer (a Christian institution) is within their rights to uphold there beliefs and let her go if she remains unrepentant
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JP, you evidently did not read the article. They were looking for an excuse to fire here because she wanted to take leave for a recurring medical problem, and that was their way to do it. She had become an inconvenience, so they used bigotry as a lever to get her out. The fact that you have not an ounce of compassion for her merely emphasises your own bigotry, which matches that of the university in question. Of course she should have known better than to expect anything other than bad treatment at a Christian organisation - intolerance is the first lesson in Christianity 101.
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