Guide Dog for a Blind Dog

A guide dog is not news, but a guide dog for a dog? Now that's neat! Here's a heartwarming story of a blind dog and its guide dog:

It was a rough life for Tanner, a blind Golden Retriever suffering from epilepsy — until he found a four-legged friend to be his eyes.

Blair, a 1-year-old Black Labrador with a troubled past, grabs hold of Tanner’s leash and leads him around the Tulsa, Okla. animal hospital they call home, staff there told the Daily News on Monday.

“They go out every time,” said Karen Miller, Woodland West Animal Hospital’s practice manager. “It’s amazing to see them together.”

Link - via Arbroath

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Our neigbours used to have a blind dog. They got it from a rescue centre to live with their existing dog. The dogs became very close and would go everywhere together. The sighted dog lead the blind dog by the simple expedient of allowing his friend to stay in contact with him. If they became seperated the blind dog would wait for the sighted dog to find him and they would continue.

In his own yard the blind dog could manage, but his sighted guide was never far away. Eventually the blind dog died and his sighted friend pined for months.
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