Archive for May 6th, 2012

This Cake Looks A Little Dry

Succulents might sound delicious, but the idea of eating a cactus reletive right out of the planter just doesn't seem that appetizing...unless it's a tasty cupcake like this one. Link Via CraftzineFood, Cute, plan...

I Am Your Density

True lovers of Back to the Future are certain to recognized and appreciate this classic line that George McFly delivers while trying to impress his future wife. Seriously ladies, could you really resist an adorably n...

Make Your Own Chell and Companion Cube

What's a companion cube without a companion? Finally you can make a Chell amigurumi plush along with your companion cube so you aren't stuck with only half of the famous Portal team. Link Via Geek CraftsArt, Toys,...

Hello Kitty Heart Luggage Tag

Hello Kitty Heart Luggage Tag - $14.95 (sold individually) Travel season is just around the corner. Are you on the lookout for the perfect luggage tag for your precious suitcase? You need the adorable Hello Kitty Hear...

R.I.P. Goober

Actor and comedian George Lindsey, best known for playing the character Goober Pyle on television, died Sunday in Nashville. He had been ill since suffering a stroke in March. He introduced the character of Goober — t...

Bees That Drink Human Tears

Remember the Neatorama post about the sweat bees in New York that use humans as giant salt licks? Well, turns out that's not as creepy as these bees in Thailand that drink human...

Yoda and Willie Nelson Mash Up Papertoy

Matt Hawkins of Custom Papertoys created this awesome mash up of Yoda and Willie Nelson: Mammas Don't Let Your Babies Grow Up To Be Jedi. And best of all, it's available as a free down...

Disney Develops "Touchscreen" for Everyday Objects

Capacitive touch on your smartphone's screen (like the ones on your iPhone) is neat, but you know what's REALLY neat? Sensing touch interactions on every day objects. Here's Tou...

Biking to Work, for the One Percent

Biking to work is healthy, but who wants to share the road with all those plebes when you can exercise in the comfort of your own luxury SUV? Here's "biking to work" for the...

Guide Dog for a Blind Dog

A guide dog is not news, but a guide dog for a dog? Now that's neat! Here's a heartwarming story of a blind dog and its guide dog: It was a rough life for Tanner, a blind...

Uncommon Uses of Common Kitchen Appliances

What? If you think that a waffle iron is only good for ... well, you know, waffles, then this is the article for you! When Chowhound forum user thunderbug84 asked if there are...

1-Bit Camera

Move over, Instagram! There's a new app that makes your photos look like they were taken by Nintendo Gameboy (ah, those were the good ol' days!). Behold, 1-Bit Camera: Link -...

The History of Scurvy

The word scurvy may make you think of pirates and sailors on long sea voyages, but "land scurvy" affected many European Crusaders who spent months trudging through the Middle East. In 1747, Scottish physician James Lind...

Advertising Arms Race in Beijing Food Court

Photo: Anja Hitzenberger If a little advertisement is good for business, then A LOT of it should be fantastic, right? During her two-month residency in Beijing, China, photogr...

Shopping Bag Smiles When You Buy Stuff

(Video Link) This shopping bag offered at Joupi, the French toy store chain, is a clever ad by Euro RSCG 360. Place an item inside and pull up on the handles. The front handle slides up, replacing the child's frown...

American Skillets

FeLion Studios designed cast iron skillets shaped like the 48 contiguous United States. There's even one for Rhode Island, but don't expect to cook much in the 2 inch pan. The Texas skillet, in contrast, is a whoppin...

Carousel Tauntaun

For the 2011 Stitch Wars crafting competition, Mariangela Tan needle felted this tauntaun, fit for an amusement park carousel. She's a master of the craft and has created other funny works, which you can view at her...

The Physics of Spilled Coffee

Scientists are concerned about spilled coffee, because long hours of research require coffee, and a spill can ruin your train of thought, if not your valuable notes. Mechanical engineer Rouslan Krechetnikov of the the Un...

What Happens Tonight ... Goes on Facebook Tomorrow Koozie

What Happens Tonight ... Goes on Facebook Tomorrow Koozie - $5.95 Are you looking for a fun gift for someone who is addicted to posting on Facebook? Get them the What Happens Tonight ... Goes on Facebook Tomoroow Kooz...

Pimento Cheese Ball Pops

Fair food and cake pops are nice, but sometimes you want food-on-a-stick that's neither fried nor sugary. Michael Procopio at Food for the Thoughtless gives us the complete recipe for pimento cheese balls on sticks,...

The Doctor Who Theme Played on 8 Floppy Disk Drives

(Video Link) Antiquated? No. Floppy disk drives are cool. YouTube user MrSolidSnake745 used eight of them to perform the title theme to Doctor Who. -via redditDoctor Who, floppy drives...

Pat-a-Cake Cats

(YouTube link) It's not the first time you've seen cats play pat-a-cake, but these two do it so well! They must be litter mates.  -via The Daily Whatcats, patty cake, patacake...

A Famous Filched Ford

Ruth and Jesse Warren of Topeka, Kansas, bought a 1934 Ford Fordor Deluxe Sedan. They hadn't owned it very long when on April 29th, 1934, Ruth noticed the car was missing. A month later the Warrens were informed the...

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