Man Exposes Himself at Association for the Blind

We've posted a lot of stories about crimes that didn't turn out as the perpetrators expected, you know, dumb criminal stories. This one, however, takes "defeating the purpose" to another level -that of mopery.
A man exposed himself to a woman inside the Bucks County Association for the Blind.

Newtown Township police said the incident occurred about 2 p.m. Friday inside the bookstore at the offices at 400 Freedom Drive.

The flasher fled before police arrived. You have to wonder how many times he tried it before someone noticed. Link -via Death and Taxes

(Image credit: Bucks County Association for the Blind and Visually Impaired)

Comments (8)

Yeah, I know. It also recalls the old joke about the woman who liked to clean the house in the buff, and the blind man.

Just bending your mind as usual.
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ted, the crime itself is not funny, and yes, there were sighted people at the facility. But the stupidity of the perpetrator in selecting the setting is funny, so it led to headline heaven. Plus there's the tie-in with the joke from Revenge of the Nerds.
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Not sure why this is so funny. It's making a big assumption that everyone who works or volunteers at an association for the blind is actually totally blind.

Waxing philosophically: what if he had sexually assaulted a parapalegic woman? Would it be any less a crime because she couldn't feel it?
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"Blind" covers a lot of territory since many blind people have partial vision (up to 10% to meet the legal definition of blindness). It doesn't take much to have a flasher ruin your day.
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