Archive for May 3rd, 2012

Donny and Marie Osmond Do Star Wars

(Video Link) The Seventies. It was a weird time to be alive. Redd Foxx is Obi-Wan Kenobi. Kris Kristofferson is Han Solo. Paul Lynde is Grand Moff Tarkin. The best part: Donny is Luke Skywalker and Marie is Le...

The World's Tastiest iPhone

Pssshh...using your iPhone to call, text and surf the web is so 2011. The real hip iPhone users are eating theirs...or at least the hip people in China who are able to get their hands on the iPhone 5 popsicle. Oddly,...

Needs a Dimmer Switch

Escrif, a street artist based in Valencia, Spain, composed this enormous mural for the Katowice Street Art Festival in Poland. What do you think would happen if we flipped the switch? Link | Artist's Flickr Stream...

The Ultimate Locket For Zombies

Romantics like to keep photos of the people they love in heart-shaped lockets, but for those that have more cerebral relationships, this brain-shaped locket is a great alternative. It also works well for zombies to r...

Properly Speaking, The Powerpuff Girls Belongs in the Horror Genre

Professor Utonium's mad dream was "to create the perfect little girls." DeviantART member salvation-series, with his drawing Playing God, reminds us that there's nothing cute about this children's cartoon....

Homemade Actuated Iron Man Costume

(Video Link) Anthony Le goes by the name Master Le Cosplay, and he has earned the sobriquet. This Iron Man suit lights up and features a motorized helmet, shoulder missile pods and flight stabilizer flaps. Link -...

Knitted Dalek Dog Costume

Messes on the carpet? That's nothing. Now you have to worry about extermination. Ravelry member Peach Kraft knitted this Dalek costume for her pug to prepare for the invasion. Link -via Craftknitting, Doctor Who,...

Zookeeper Licked Constipated Monkey's Butt

The next time you've got constipation, think of this story: Yesterday, Wuhan Zoo Monkey caretaker Zhang Bangsheng unbelievably used his tongue to lick a small monkeyR...

Restaurant Simulates Luxury Jetliner

(Video Link) This popular restaurant in Taipei, Taiwan is designed to resemble the first class cabin of an Airbus A380. The seats look like those you'd find on a jetliner and the waitresses are dressed like stewarde...

The Nautilus One-Man-Band

Dutch musician and entertainer Arthur van Poppel has got himself the world's most awesome stand/band equipment/transportation. Behold, the Nautilus One-Man-Band (the flame is but one o...

Tea Bath

Tea, Earl Grey, hot. Also a bit of bath salts, if you don't mind. Serve it in this cute tea cup set made by the Dutch design firm Het Paradijs. Studio Website -via Rachealtea cup...

Welcome to the Anthropocene

Two hundred and fifty years ago in Europe, a series of invention ushered the Industrial Revolution. Since then, modernization has swept through the rest of the world, much to the benef...

Turkey Hat

Turkey Hat - $14.95 Do you know someone who is silly or just plain acts like a turkey? Get them the Turkey hat from the NeatoShop. This stylish plush hat, shaped like your favorite fowl, is guaranteed to make a lastin...

Robber Wore Boxer Shorts as Disguise

Bad idea: robbing a convenience store. Better idea: robbing a convenience store in disguise. The reversal: The disguise is a pair of boxer shorts. The Telegraph has the story:...

Family Locked in Restaurant for Refusing to Pay Tip

After receiving bad service at La Fisherman restaurant in West Houston, Texas, a family refused to pay the tip. So what did the restaurant do? They locked the door ... and called the...

Professional Pencil Sharpener Sold His 500th Pencil

In 2010, cartoonist David Rees started an artisanal pencil sharpening service (covered previously on Neatorama by John). This lead to a book, nay, a manifesto, in which David...

Fungus Attacks Zombie-Ant Fungus

Photo: David Hughes/Penn State University In 2011, scientists discovered a species of fungus that turns ants into zombies. Aptly called the zombie-ant fungus (Ophiocordyce...

Why Americans Don't Save: "Credit has become America's welfare policy."

Unlike people from other countries, Americans aren't big savers - that much we know. But why exactly? Sheldon Garon, professor of history and East Asian studies at Princeton U...

Man Exposes Himself at Association for the Blind

We've posted a lot of stories about crimes that didn't turn out as the perpetrators expected, you know, dumb criminal stories. This one, however, takes "defeating the purpose" to another level -that of mopery. A man exp...

Hair Washing Robot

Would you entrust your head to a hair washing robot? Even if it has "24 finger tips [that] can be finely moved through independent mechanisms, creating a comfortable fit for any i...

Six Lesser Known Movies With Mind Twisting Endings

Have you picked out any movies to watch at home this weekend? You may find some suggestions for one you haven't seen in the list of Six Lesser Known Movies With Mind Twisting Endings. Remy Carreiro tries to give you enou...

Simian Playing Cards

Chet Phillips designs wild and amusing playing cards, as you've seen here before. His latest collection is "of lively monkey and ape characters exhibiting a vast range of professions and historical simian significanc...

Old British Council Films Available Online

(vimeo link) The British Council has released a collection of films produced in the 1940s to show the world how the British lived and worked. Over 120 films were produced as 'cultural propaganda' to counteract anythi...

Why Chip Bags are Hard to Open

John Spevacek is a chemical engineer with a confession to make. You may have noticed that snack bags are more difficult to open than they were years ago. Spevacek comes clean and takes the blame. Here's how the project c...

Cthulhu Bottle Opener

Cthulhu Bottle Opener - $12.95 Nothing livens up a party like the Lovecraftian undead. So to avoid the horror of a boring party, pop open a cold one with the Great Old One!...

'The Scream' Sold for a Record $120 Million

If he were alive, Edvard Munch would've screamed. You see, his iconic painting The Scream (the pastel version - one of four that Edvard has drawn) has just sold for a recor...

Nothing's Gonna Stop Me Now

This game is based on the old TV show Perfect Strangers. The goal is to chase your dream. No, it doesn't take much skill, but I think you'll get a kick out of it! Link -via Gorilla Maskvideo game, Perfect St...

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Shell Lunch Bag

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle Shell Lunch Bag - $19.95 Is your lunch prone to pilfering? Protect your lunch ninjutsu style with the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle Lunch Bag from the NeatoShop. This great insulated lunch ba...

Skeleton Foot

DeviantART member KidNamedEmCee got a foot tattoo that will frighten children at the swimming pool for years to come. The detail is amazing! He said it didn't hurt as much as expected, but it hurts me just t...

Parakeet Knows Its Home Address

A lost parakeet flew into a hotel in Sagamihara, Japan, on Sunday and landed on a guest's shoulder. Since no one knew where the bird came from, it was taken in a cage to a local police station. For two days it sat there....


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