Records That Guinness World Records Won't Accept

Would you like to set a Guinness World Record? Read Guinness's instructions first, because there are certain achievements that it won't recognize, including:

  • We do not accept any claims for beauty as it is not objectively measurable.

  • We do not currently recognise 'gluttony' records whereby people consume mass amounts of food.

  • Due to the medical condition elephantiasis, we do not monitor a category for largest head.

  • And though it will break Alex's heart and make him feel like he's wasted the past year of his life, he needs to know that:
  • We do not accept claims for elbow licking.

  • Link -via American Digest

    I can't understand why anbody buy's the Guinness book any more. When we were kids you only looked up things like gluttony and, well basically, freaks and now most of those have gone. Lets be fair it's a book mostly read by kids and the boring stuff doesn't attract kids.

    The book originated as a way of solving arguments in bars (hence the involvement of Guinness) and they don't even have things like sculling records. Humbug!
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