New Freedom Tower to Surpass Empire State Building Today

The new tower at the World Trade Center site is scheduled to become the tallest building in New York City today.
As long as the weather cooperates, the tower will surpass the 1,250-foot Empire State Building at 2 p.m. on its way to a final height of 1,776 feet.

“It’s wonderful,” Mayor Bloomberg said Sunday.

“It’s taken a long time. This is probably the most complex construction site in any place ever. I think what we’ve shown is that democracy works.”

Once completed, the Ground Zero skyscraper, often called the Freedom Tower, will have 104 floors, including 71 office floors with 3 million square feet of space.

The official address of the Freedom Tower is One World Trade Center. It is scheduled to open late in 2013 or possibly early 2014. Link -via Gizmodo

(Image credit: Craig Warga/New York Daily News)

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“ This is probably the most complex construction site in any place ever. I think what we’ve shown is that democracy works.”

LOLWUT??? Engineering works.
Democracy? Democracy does not build towers. It doesn't even automatically equal freedom. Democracy is simply 'mob or majority rule'.
What a bunch of nationalistic tripe.
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I don't know if the mayor realizes, but in the eyes of the rest of the world, attributing a construction project to the success of your political structure is one of the most blatant and overused lines of bulls*** in history. Thanks for making us look stupid, again.
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