Two, apparently. One is too few, and three is too many.
The optimum number of wives that a company CEO should have (from a shareholder's perspective, not the first wife's) is two:
Two is a good number, reckons Jon Moulton of Better Capital, a private-equity firm. (Maybe a boss with alimony to pay must work harder.) But three is too many. Getting divorced too often may be a sign of an unstable character. [...]
Marriage is a surprisingly good predictor of management style, reckon Nikolai Roussanov and Pavel Savor of Wharton Business School. The average unmarried boss invests 69% more than his married counterpart, they find. But his swashbuckling can be costly: the returns he generates are more volatile. This “single” effect is strongest among young bosses, unsurprisingly.
Link (Image: Shutterstock) - via Freakonomics