This Week at Neatorama

In just a blink of an eye, April is almost over. May begins on Tuesday with International Worker's Day, which is like Labor Day for the entire world. When I was a kid, May the first meant we no longer had to wear shoes outside (Mom's rule). This Friday is Star Wars Day ("May the Fourth be With You"). Saturday brings us the Kentucky Derby. And the rest of the month we'll be busy with Mother's Day, Victoria Day, Memorial Day, graduation, school vacation, garden planting, and generally enjoying the return of good weather. But before we get too excited about the future, let's take a look back at some of the good stuff that happened at Neatorama this week.

The biggest post of the week was Married… With Children Around the World.

Eddie Deezen commemorated The Last Days of Lucille Ball on the anniversary of her death Thursday.

Joe McCarthy’s Joke was a little history lesson from Uncle John's Bathroom Reader.

A Tribute to Professor Lipscomb was an affectionate yet funny memorial from The Annals of Improbable Research.

Mental_floss magazine gave us 14 Essential Talking Points for the Constitution Enthusiast.

Our social networking guru David Israel made a video this week on how to make an Apple Puzzle that landed on NeatoBambino.

In this week's What Is It? game, the mystery object is a lid reformer, use to repair a damaged jar lid. Honestly, I have a few of these old zinc lids, and I can just imagine a world where one would have a special tool to repair them when they get bent instead of buying new jar lids every year like we do now. You can see a picture of it in action at the What Is It? blog. No one got it right this week; it was a hard one! The funniest answer came from Cori Philips, who said, “We see this every Thanksgiving at my house – It’s a ‘Mom plays favorites’ pumpkin pie slicer. I never got the good “half.” siiigh.” That’s good for a t-shirt from the NeatoShop! The rest of the answers are worth looking through, too.

The most commented-on post of the week was One Third of Waiters Consciously Provide Poor Service to Black Customers. Coming in second was The Flight From Conversation, and our features on Joe McCarthy and Married… With Children tied for third.

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