7th Street and Union Ave, Westlake. Photos: Ted Soqui
Twenty years ago, after a jury acquitted police officers on charges of excessive use of force against Rodney King, Los Angeles erupted in riots.
Over the next six days, widespread looting, arson, assault and even murder happened in the streets of South Los Angeles and other areas of the city. All in all, more than 50 people were killed, 2,000 injured, 1,100 buildings damaged and 3,000 fires set. The property damage was valued at more than $1 billion.
Back then, L.A. Weekly photographer Ted Soqui risked life and limbs to
document the 1992
Los Angeles Riots from the streets. Today, he returned to re-photograph
the sites. Ted, along with writer Patrick Range McDonald, retells the
story of the Los Angeles Riots and how things have changed for some, yet
remain stubbornly the same for others: Link
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