A Mummy Made From McDonald's Burgers

Artist BenEverywhere decided to drop $200 on McDonald's hamburgers in order to make this mummy/skeleton monstrosity.

Why would he do such a thing, you may ask? Because he wants to prove that McDonald's no longer makes food, they make a medium for morbid sculptures.

He combined the burgers with a little bit of resin to show the world that McDonald's food is so full of preservatives that it will literally last forever.

Well, I guess I'm adding a trip to McDonald's to my will, who needs embalming fluid when you've got the Big Mac?!

Link  --via Geekologie

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much as I would hate to been seen in public defending McDonalds, they don't actually pump their beef full of preservatives - any burger made the same way would dry out very quickly & wouldn't generate much mould (http://aht.seriouseats.com/archives/2010/11/the-burger-lab-revisiting-the-myth-of-the-12-year-old-burger-testing-results.html).
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