Earlier this week, we had the Guess What's Inside The Avengers Box contest, and a lot of Neatoramanauts participated - thank you for the entries, guys!
Congratulations to the winners, chosen at random for any given item:
1. kantoboy who won the Hulk Smash Fist. Persistence paid off, kantoboy submitted the most guesses in the correct format ;)
2. ladybugs who won the Thor mask
3. OneManWolfPack who won the Zombie Bottle Opener
4. Ben McLain who won the Support Cloning T-Shirt
5. Charlotte who won the Bats Wall Decals
6. Gabriel who won the Unicorn Poop T-Shirt
Lots of you entered the right guesses (yay!), but in the wrong requested format (boo!). Oh well, we'll have the contests again, I'm sure. Better luck next time!
onemanwolfpack guessed " 1979 toyota camry"
charlotte guessed "A selection of hair products and moisturisers used by Chris Hemsworth during filming."
and ladybugs didnt even guess everything that was in it..even after her 15 guesses.. this is bs..but whatever.
This one was supposed to be an easy contest. I mean, you could even google the answers!
But people didn't follow the contest guideline, so they forfeit the prize.
Even if we get really technical and say "X and Y" is a guess, then none of the guesses got it right, either :)
Don't sweat this too much - we'll run contests again soon and I'll make sure to make the rules simpler.