The Aftermath of BP Oil Spill: Mutant Seafood

Two years after BP's Deepwater Horizon oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico, fishermen are finding deformed fish and mutant shrimp in their seafood catch:

Along with collapsing fisheries, signs of malignant impact on the regional ecosystem are ominous: horribly mutated shrimp, fish with oozing sores, underdeveloped blue crabs lacking claws, eyeless crabs and shrimp - and interviewees' fingers point towards BP's oil pollution disaster as being the cause.

Tracy Kuhns and her husband Mike Roberts, commercial fishers from Barataria, Louisiana, are finding eyeless shrimp.

"At the height of the last white shrimp season, in September, one of our friends caught 400 pounds of these," Kuhns told Al Jazeera while showing a sample of the eyeless shrimp.

According to Kuhns, at least 50 per cent of the shrimp caught in that period in Barataria Bay, a popular shrimping area that was heavily impacted by BP's oil and dispersants, were eyeless. Kuhns added: "Disturbingly, not only do the shrimp lack eyes, they even lack eye sockets."

Link - via Gizmodo

Previously on Neatorama: Deepwater Horizon Oil Rig: The First 36 Hours

We need to study carefully the materials to which those shrimp are exposed and develop a correlation between the contaminating agent and the deformity. Think of the wonderful weapons we could produce based on that information. We wouldn't use them of course.... just be nice to have around.
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i am from south LA and i lived right by the gulf. not only are the shrimp mutated,they also taste different. i actually cant stand the new taste...i wonder if it is even really safe to eat. it makes me so sad.sigh.
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andrew21: It should be common sense for anyone to consider the source of news one receives on the Internet, or on tv.

All news sources have a bias. If you don't recognize a particular bias, it just means you haven't discovered it yet. We also tend not to see a bias when a viewpoint is expressed that matches our own.

Do I think Al Jazeera is participating in a global conspiracy? Not that I know of. Do I think Al Jazeera would choose to air stories critical of Western oil production? I can see that. This is the first story I've noticed at Neatorama credited to Al Jazeera, and what's it about? Hmmm....

I see lots of stories from the Daily Mail or whatever it's called, and that source is questioned all the time (for good reason, I might add).

If you don't think it's sensible to consider the source of your news, don't sneer at those who do.
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I hope that they will at least catalog some of these interesting mutations. Science has learned a lot about development from cataloging mutant flies and I suppose we might learn some more from these mutant shrimp.
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D, it's not about fearing our own oil production. It's simply a matter of oil (from anywhere) being really bad for the ecosystem. It's not a conspiracy.
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All of the times I've watched Al Jazeera offered insightful and useful stories on corruption, human rights abuse, and other very shocking stories. Just because you don't understand the name don't go questioning the source without doing your homework. Use wikipedia
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