When a 6-year-old girl in kindergarten got rowdy, the school principal called the cops, who came and handcuffed the child:
According to the police report, kindergartner Salecia Johnson is accused of tearing items off the walls and throwing furniture.
She was crying in the principal's office at Creekside Elementary before police arrived Friday. The report says the girl knocked over a shelf that injured the principal. It also says she was seen biting the door knob of the office and jumping on the paper shredder. And, it says, she attempted to break a glass frame above the shredder.
The report says when the officer tried to calm the child, she resisted and was cuffed.
"Our policy is that any detainee transported to our station in a patrol vehicle is to be handcuffed in the back. There is no age discrimination on that rule," said Milledgeville Chief of Police Dray Swicord.
They took the child to the police station where she was charged with simple assault and damage to property. Because of her age, she will not be prosecuted.
Is 6-year-old too young to be handcuffed and booked with a crime? Link
Previously on Neatorama: Kid Handcuffed and Perp Walked for Doodling on Desk
Comments (21)
Damn! Just pepper spray her and let it go.
Now CPS needs to be called in, because a child of that age that is behaving like that has almost certainly got some major problems going on at home.