Jaco van Gass, a British soldier from South Africa, lost an arm in Afghanistan. That's not slowing him down a bit. He plans to climb Mount Everest, making use of a prosthetic arm that he helped design himself:
Link -via Gizmodo | Photo: David Cheskin/Press Association
He said: "I came up with the idea to attach an ice axe to one of my prosthetics, so I kind of challenged the guys at Headley Court to see how we could get this done."
Van Gass bought a regular ice axe and staff at the centre sawed off the double-sided head, then welded and bolted it to a specially adapted prosthetic made of carbon fibre and plastic.
Link -via Gizmodo | Photo: David Cheskin/Press Association
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They rebuilt him. They had the technology.
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It's the guy from 127 hours!
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He'll be okay right until he gets an itchy nose.
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