The Best Tattoo Cover Up Ever

A reader of Geekologie sent in this great story of how a terrible Edward tattoo obtained during a bet eventually became an awesome Rufio tattoo in what is arguably the greatest tattoo portrait cover up ever.
"OK, so this guy I used to know recently made a deal with his friend that they would choose each other's tattoos and they would each get theirs while being blindfolded. He took his blindfold off to see this -- Edward, from Twilight! Yikes! So later he had it covered up with RUFIOOOO!"

OH HELL YES. I asked my little lady to turn the pictures into an animated gif, but the angles make it look like there's a colored part in Edward that doesn't appear in Rufio. Like I said, that's just the angle.

I know many of you don't like tattoos to start with, but you have to admit, if you're going to get a tattoo on a bet, this cover up is probably one of the best outcomes you could hope for.


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You have to admit, "if you're going to get a tattoo on a bet," you deserve whatever crappy tattoo you get and you should be required to display it as a visible warning-- "Be advised: I am a complete 'tard. Do not trust my judgement. Look at this crappy tattoo."
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It looks fake for the reasons marishka says. You cannot cover dark ink with lighter ink and these photos suggest just that.

Also a mole disappears between photos.
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