Imagine sitting on a beach and an adorable baby sea lion comes right up to you! This happened at Gardner Bay, in the Galapagos Islands. -via Daily Picks and Flicks
Mama Sea Lions typically leave their pups on the beach, alone, while they go in the water to hunt. This pup was most likely not lost or in any danger. Mom was probably waiting offshore for the people to leave before coming back to share her catch with her pup. They're sea lions. That's what they do.
I think what dallas gall is trying to say is that because the pup is even near a person and no mother is in sight the pup was indefinitely lost from it's mother. Without calling wildlife rescue the pup did/would have died.
Dallas_gal, why the drama? Unless you were there you couldn't possibly know if someone else in their party made a call, of if the sweet woman did after after turning off the camera. Or, for that matter, if a park ranger was standing right there watching.
>> If they REALLY cared, they would have done something instead of just cooing at him.
Huh? I thought they were doing just what they were supposed to be doing -- no direct interaction, just observing. Calling the authorities every time one sees wildlife on a beach is pointless, isn't it? They live there, we just visit occasionally.
If there's anyone who is really up on seal lion behavior I hope they chime in. I'm just assuming that unless something bad happened to the pup's mother, she was just out gathering food and most likely not too far away. I'm also wondering if sea lions out in the Galapagos Islands are typically comfortable interacting with humans, especially adults when it comes to their pups.
Like everyone else I'm very impressed by the lady who had the sense and willpower to refrain from touching this poor little angel. But the people in this group could have done much more to help this critter, and I'm disappointed that they took no steps to help him.
All they had to do was make one phone call. If someone had simply picked up the phone and called the lifeguard or the police, help for this darling could have been obtained relatively quickly. Both the police and the lifeguard supervisors know how to contact the appropriate agency or personnel who can help this critter get back to its mommy or at least the water. If they REALLY cared, they would have done something instead of just cooing at him.
Who IS this woman?? Mrs. Dr. Doolittle? Not only do baby sea lions look to her for comfort when mommy is missing, magpies obviously have a few words with her as well!
Aw! Such fortitude, to resist touching the precious pup. Ohmigutniss, I'm gobsmacked. Poor baby! Did he reunited with his mum? Don't leave us hanging MissCel, por favor. But I loved the human who was filming and making sweet sounds at him/her. She was so sweet and wanted to make him/her feel better. Very rare and so appreciated. I hope the babe found his mum, and the magpie was satisfied, and all was right with the world.
I love that as precious as the pup was, they knew not to touch 'em. Watching the video, I wanted to pick the pup up and carry him/her away. They had magnificent strength.
Huh? I thought they were doing just what they were supposed to be doing -- no direct interaction, just observing. Calling the authorities every time one sees wildlife on a beach is pointless, isn't it? They live there, we just visit occasionally.
If there's anyone who is really up on seal lion behavior I hope they chime in. I'm just assuming that unless something bad happened to the pup's mother, she was just out gathering food and most likely not too far away. I'm also wondering if sea lions out in the Galapagos Islands are typically comfortable interacting with humans, especially adults when it comes to their pups.
All they had to do was make one phone call. If someone had simply picked up the phone and called the lifeguard or the police, help for this darling could have been obtained relatively quickly. Both the police and the lifeguard supervisors know how to contact the appropriate agency or personnel who can help this critter get back to its mommy or at least the water. If they REALLY cared, they would have done something instead of just cooing at him.