WARNING: Do not watch this if you are prone to vertigo or have an extreme fear of heights. On top of a skyscraper in Moscow, there's a spiral staircase rising from the roof. At the top of the staircase, there's a ladder that goes even higher. A guy with a camera climbs it, even though it's covered with snow. We do get to see him come down safely after his adventure. -via Everlasting Blort
Update: A commenter has identified the climber as Artem Pirniazov. -Thanks, gorechi!
Update: A commenter has identified the climber as Artem Pirniazov. -Thanks, gorechi!
"kitten you suck eternally as everything they know, and when I with you will meet you teeth gather will be on [Chertanovo]. Regards to you and to your wet-nurse from the space dogs which will break your insolent erysipelas with those inflamed from the sucking of [khuev] with lips! Here another pair of [pasanov] they want to you [ebalo] into the blood to break, soon the fact that to not climb you will not be able, to walk there will be the complicatedly deformed daughter of the female of raccoon!"
I could do the same thing, but I'm limited by having a brain in my head.