The Hulk might seem like the perfect cover model for a magazine like Muscle and Fitness, but consider this-do you really want the guys that read your magazine getting even more jacked up on "supplements" in an attempt to look like Marvel Comics' raging tower of muscle?
And isn't this cover a bit misleading, considering that Bruce Banner (The Hulk's human alter-ego) is a scientist with the muscle mass and strength of, well, a scientist?!
Although the Hulk aspect seems a bit silly, I am intrigued by the article entitled "Bulletproof Your Knees", so I'm gonna ask around and see if anyone I know has picked up this issue. Well played Muscle and Fitness, well played indeed...
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Probably the least photoshopped cover model Muscle and Fitness has ever had.
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I mean, just let angry
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This picture would have been fine, if the story connected to it was something like "Overdoing It: Knowing When to Ease It Back".
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bulletproof your knees, lol so i can still be an adventurer
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At least his left arm is big. What the sh#& happened to his right arm?
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